CLB-LPT online training and test
CCLB has developed a new Canadian Language Benchmarks Literacy Placement Test through IRCC funding. The 2018 CLB-LPT is an assessment that measures the reading and writing abilities of literacy learners in reference to levels described in the Canadian Language Benchmarks: ESL for Adult Literacy Learners (ALL) document. This new test replaces the “Canadian Language Benchmarks Literacy placement tool”. The results obtained with this test provide information about the learner’s literacy skills in English.
- The new CLB-LPT is only accessible to CLBPT and/or CLBA certified assessors.
- All CLB-LPT Tests & Forms are in digital format on our testing site; there are no physical copies/books.
- Self-directed training for this test is also found on our testing site.
How to access the training: Assessment site administrators/managers can email [email protected] to request access to the training and related administration files for their assessors. CCLB staff will provide each assessor with more information from that point on. Once logged in to the testing platform (, the assessor will have access to the training, the CLB-LPT Tests & Forms as well as a few exemplars (as well as the interim remote option for the CLB-LPT if needed or desired). The training is estimated to take around 90 minutes to complete (training on the interim remote option is around one hour).
Costs: The fee for this service is included in the assessor account package. For further details, please email [email protected].
BTC-AMA online training and test
CCLB has developed a new Batterie de tests de classement pour adultes moins alphabétisés through IRCC funding. The 2018 BTC-AMA is an assessment that measures the reading and writing abilities of literacy learners in reference to levels described in the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens : français langue seconde pour adultes moins alphabétisés (NCLC : FLS pour AMA) document. This new test replaces the “Outil de placement en alphabétisation volumes 1 et 2”. The results obtained with this test provide information about the learner’s literacy skills in English.
- The new BTC-AMA is only accessible to BTC-NCLC certified assessors.
- All BTC-AMA Tests & Forms are in digital format on our testing site; there are no physical copies/books.
- Self-directed training for this test is also found on our testing site.
How to access the training: Assessment site administrators/managers can email [email protected] to request access to the training and related administration files for their assessors. CCLB staff will provide each assessor with more information from that point on. Once logged in to the testing platform (, the assessor will have access to the training, the BTC-AMA Tests & Forms as well as a few exemplars (as well as the interim remote option for the BTC-AMA if needed or desired). The training is estimated to take around 90 minutes to complete (training on the interim remote option is around one hour).
Costs: The fee for this service is included in the assessor account package. For further details, please email [email protected].
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