PDF-E-002 | CLB Support Kit


(e-version ISBN 978-1-897100-63-9)

This kit serves as background information for in-service training on the revised CLB for instructors working in programs funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The orientation will follow a trainthe- trainer model of implementation that will take place across Canada.

The kit includes

  • an orientation to the revised CLB;
  • in-depth discussions on incorporating grammar, pronunciation, and pragmatics into CLB-based programs (as requested by instructors using the CLB);
  • sections on using the CLB in specific contexts, including multilevel classes, English for Academic Purposes (EAP), language training for the workplace, and in classes that have special needs learners;
  • exemplars for Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing for all CLB levels; and
  • sample tools for program planning and assessment that can be adapted for individual use.

The resources found on the DVD’s of the CLB Support Kit can be found digitally by clicking here.

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Code : PDF-E-002

Availabiltity : Available

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